41 million people around the world are facing extreme hunger. The earthquake in Haiti left people without homes – Christian Aid are helping them recover and rebuild We all know about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine – Christian Aid are there too People are starving in Afghanistan – Christian Aid are there to highlight, challenge and change the structures and systems that favour the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalised.“Together with our supporters and partners, we aim: Together with people living in poverty, we amplify our voices to speak truth to power and create lasting change. “We seek to eradicate extreme poverty by tackling its root causes. It robs people of their dignity and lets injustice thrive. “Everyone is equal in the sight of God. For over 75 years, this truth has inspired us to stand together in solidarity with our most marginalised global neighbours, of all faiths and none. Their overall aim is the eradication of poverty. They are the changemakers, the peacemakers, the mighty of heart. They are a global movement of people, churches and local organisations. This year’s Christian Aid appeal is concentrating on the food shortages in Zimbabwe (which Sheena Ginnings will be writing about separately and which you can find in the May edition of the parish magazine) but at any one time Christian Aid has numerous areas of work which all need our support. Christian Aid Week 15 th to 21 st May Judy East